Shingle Beach. No problem
for a Rubber Duckbill Valve

The Strype Burn is a small river running through the eastern edge of Findochty, Scotland. It is culverted towards its lower reaches with an outfall onto the shore to the east of the harbour.

As the beach shifted with onshore wave action, the outfall had to be extended to the foreshore in 2004 to prevent build up of shingle affecting its outlet.

MeasurIT were approached to provide a solution to a recurring problem with the metal flap valve on the Strype Burn outfall and we proposed a rubber duckbill valve as an alternative that would be able to cope with the beach shingle.

Shingle causing flap high maintenance.

Unfortunately, despite bi-monthly inspections of the outfall flap valve and scheduled annual maintenance works, the stony coastal outfall continued to be plagued by blockages. This was not good news for landowners further upstream who would be affected by flooding, either because the valve was wedged open - allowing seawater to push up into the river at high tide - or because it was wedged shut - preventing the river from draining out to sea as intended.

Blockages and backflow due to shingle.

Flap wedged open allowing shingle and seawater back up into the river at high tide.

The council were looking for a more robust solution to the problem, and hopefully something that did not require as much maintenance. MeasurIT were pleased to be able to show that our rubber duckbill valves have a proven track record as self-clearing on beach outfalls. Theunique rubber duckbill design allows the valve to seal around debris and their low cracking pressure and low headloss mean that the valve is able to allow very low flows to pass through and shift the debris.

Rubber duckbill valve operates in sand, silt and shingle.

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We have decades of extensive experience with rubber check valve application in demanding Atlantic coastal sites.

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